About the Report

[GRI 2-3]

OGK-2, PJSC (hereinafter referred to as OGK-2, the Company) presents the Sustainability Report for 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the Report). The report provides information on the Company's activities in the field of human rights observance, reduction of adverse environmental impact, interaction with stakeholders, labor protection and industrial safety governance. The report reflects the Company's approach to responsible business conduct: to respond to the challenges of the global and national agenda in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter referred to as the SDGs) and in act the interests of all stakeholders involved.

1.1 Preparation, scope and limits of the Report

Report preparation and compilation standards
– GRI Standards;
– The UN Sustainable Development Goals to which the Company is committed
Disclosure level
With reference, the GRI Content Index is given in Appendix 1
Reporting cycle
1 year
Coverage of information disclosure
Information disclosure period
– Calendar year 2022
Information sources
– Governance and accounting (financial) reporting;
– Data obtained within the framework of interaction with the Company’s core business units

The Report is the second Sustainability Report issued by the Company. It includes a description and performance results of OGK-2 for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022. When preparing the Report, the GRI Standards (The Global Reporting Initiative Standards) and Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting were used as main standards. Numbers and types of indicators are displayed directly in the text of the Report and are followed by additional comments, where necessary.

We publish non-financial reports on the Company's activities, addressing it to a wide range of the interested parties, stakeholders, striving to provide a balanced presentation of material information that meets the interests of each group. We strive to continuously improve the quality of information disclosure.

In this Report, Gazprom Energoholding LLC, Mosenergo PJSC, TGС-1 PJSC, OGK-2 PJSC and MOEK PJSC are referred to as Gazprom Energoholding, Mosenergo, TGС-1, OGK-2 and MOEK respectively. Together Gazprom Energoholding, Mosenergo, TGС-1, OGK-2 and MOEK are referred to as Gazprom Energoholding Group’s companies, Gazprom Energoholding Group or the Group’s companies.

1.2 Identifying significant topics

[GRI 2-4 • 3-1 • 3-2 • 3-3]

The Company regularly assesses essential topics related to the aspects of sustainable development. In 2022, an assessment was conducted with a revised and in-depth analysis. The analysis consisted of the following steps:

Determination of essential topics


The polling of OGK-2 stakeholders was conducted on the official website of the Company:

https://ogk2.ru/anketa-zainteresovannykh-storon- pao-ogk-2-dlya-sostavleniya-rangovoy-karty- zainteresovannykh-storon/


Essentiality matrix

[GRI 3-2]

Based on the results of polling of internal and external stakeholders to find out which of the 22 topics related to the economic (blue), environmental (green) and social (orange) spheres were important for them, an essentiality matrix was compiled.



* Based on the polling results, topic 11 “Emissions into the atmosphere” was recognized as insignificant, however, the Working Group of the Company decided to further disclose this topic.
** Aspects: economic, environmental and social.

1.3 Changes in Topic Essentiality

[GRI 3-2]

Compared to 2021, the importance of topics was rated higher by respondents, many topics (generally related to social aspects) were found as extremely important by both, internal and external respondents, while no such topics were identified last year, and the vast majority of topics fell on the spectrum from non-essential to tangible. The rating of non-competitive behavior has drastically decreased, this time this topic was considered insignificant by both external and internal respondents. The most important were social topics, especially labor protection, conditions of employment, interaction with workers, professional development and training, which is in line with the current trend of growing importance of this aspect in the field of governance based on the principles of sustainable development.

1.4 Report preparation principles

[GRI 3-1]

This Report was prepared complying with the principles of the GRI standard, which, in our opinion, will allow describing the Company activities as fully and correctly as possible from the standpoint of sustainable development.

Context of sustainable development
Our strategic objective is to ensure stable profit growth while maintaining high reliability of energy supplies to all consumers. The Company approved the Action Plan of OGK-2, PJSC in the field of sustainable development and the Policy of OGK-2, PJSC in the field of sustainable development.
The Report reveals how the Company's activities impacted society, environment and the economy in 2022.
The indicators given in the Report have been checked by the Company’s responsible divisions for accuracy and correctness of calculations.
When presenting the Report's data, we tried to avoid an excessively formal style. The data are presented using illustrative visualization tools. The Report is aimed at different categories of stakeholders: from industry professionals to private consumers of heat and electricity.
This Report covers the activities of the Company in the context of sustainable development in the past 2022.
As a rule, indicators are presented in comparison with 2021, and in many cases data for 2020 are also provided. If necessary, significant changes are commented accordingly.
The Report objectively describes both positive (for example, achievement of set goals) and negative (for example, injuries) results of the Company's activities in 2022.
The Company's activities in the field of sustainable development are based on a set of documented processes. Relevant documents are indicated in the text of the Report. The data presented in the Report has been verified by the responsible departments of the Company.

1.5 Contacts

Contact person
Interaction with shareholders and investors, sustainable development
Elena Nikolaevna Egorova
Head of the Department of Corporate and Property Relations
+7 (812) 646-13-64
Natalia Olegovna Grisel
Head of Corporate Governance Department
+7 (812) 646-13-64
Interaction with mass-media
Vadim Evgenievich Tikhonov
Media Relations Officer
+7 (812) 646-13-84